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Alicante–Elche Airport

8.4 / 10

Alicante–Elche Airport HistoryEl Altet airport opened on 4 May 1967, replacing the older aerodrome La Rabassa that had served Alicante since 1936. It took its name after the El Altet area (a part of Elche's countryside) where it was built. The first commercial flight that landed in the airport was Convair Metropolitan by Aviaco. Iberia established a regular connections Alicante–Madrid and Alicante–Barcelona in November 1969. Leer más

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Popularidad de Alicante–Elche Airport

Alicante–Elche Airport Puntuación en las redes sociales:
8.4 / 10
  Este valor se basa en el número de visitas, en el número de "checkins", y en el número de "likes" en Facebook en los últimos meses.
Mayor actividad en diciembre:
Alicante–Elche Airport tiene un total de 461630 visitas ("checkins") y 4560 "likes".